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Amazon Prime's Black Friday Football
Keeping the Holiday Shopping Traffic on Amazon
Arthur Clifford
Account Lead sponsored ads
Read time: 4 minutes

Black Friday has always been synonymous with one thing - SHOPPING. This year, Amazon announced that its Black Friday sale will start earlier on Nov. 17, extending through Cyber Monday, giving shoppers 11 days to access deals on all their favorite products before the holidays. Amazon Prime takes it one step further by introducing "Black Friday Football.” On November 24th, at 3 pm EST, catch the Miami Dolphins go head-to-head with the NY Jets.

This event is a strategic move by Amazon, hoping to encourage a shift away from visiting physical stores to access Black Friday deals. Shoppers can now stay in the comfort of their homes, enjoy the game, tap in to exclusive deals, and complete their holiday shopping on Amazon.

Amazon's multi-year deal with the NFL has not only brought in new viewers and advertising dollars but, most importantly, it has attracted a wave of new Amazon Prime members to the platform. Beyond this, it has been a game-changer for football fans, with Amazon leveraging AI and AWS to offer a unique and enriching analysis that other networks can't replicate.

But What's In It For The Average Brand Selling on Amazon?

While the direct impact during the game might not seem significant, it presents a valuable opportunity for sellers to tap into the growing community of football fans turned Prime members.

  1. Capture New-To-Brand (NTB) Customers: Any event that draws unique consumers to Amazon is a golden opportunity to acquire new customers. When consumers see and click on your ad, it opens the door to nurturing them as they journey through your marketing funnel.
  2. Audience Targeting: You have the ability to tap into users who have streamed professional football programming, live or recorded, through Amazon Prime. Crafting strategies to reach specific groups of people is paramount for success with Sponsored Display and DSP campaigns.
  3. Leverage Deals for Increased Visibility: Enticing new customers into your sales funnel during high-traffic periods is crucial for long-term success. Consider offering special deals to boost your Best Sellers Rank (BSR) and organic ranking during peak shopping times.

Even when an Amazon event might not seem like a perfect fit for your business, there are always ways to take advantage of the increased traffic. Get in touch with Revive, and let's explore these avenues together. Your brand can win big in the world of Amazon Prime's Black Friday Football!

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