AMC Audiences Unlocks New-to-Brand Growth for Nature's Path


Nature's Path is a family-owned organic food company dedicated to crafting delicious, wholesome, and sustainable breakfast and snack options. With a deep commitment to organic farming, eco-friendly practices, and non-GMO ingredients, Nature's Path has been a pioneer in producing nutritious, planet-friendly food for over three decades. Guided by the belief that good food should nurture both people and the planet, Nature's Path continually strives to provide consumers with high-quality, organic, and environmentally responsible food choices that support a healthier, more sustainable future.
Health Enthusiasts
United States
Cereals, Snack bars, Nutritional Supplements

The Challenge

Nature's Path sought an efficient boost in new-to-brand customers, leveraging their significant 9% higher repeat purchase rate compared to similar brands. The precise objective was to formulate an effective strategy to augment the number of new customers, with the expectation that this surge would lead to a greater proportion of repeat purchases.
Limited growth in new-to-brand buyers
Increasing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) at scale

The Approach

In our approach, we began by crafting custom audiences, specifically targeting buyers who had added items to their cart within the last 60 days but hadn't made a purchase in the past 365 days. To activate these audiences effectively, we adopted a granular strategy, segmenting by product category (cereal and granola), placement (desktop and mobile), and inventory (Amazon owned and operated and 3P inventory). Throughout this process, our key focus was on tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), including new-to-brand return on ad spend (ROAS), purchase rate, and the overall efficiency of these new custom audiences.

The Results

With our new custom "add to cart" audiences, we've seen significant improvements in new-to-brand purchases, ROAS, and total purchase rates. Specifically, the new custom audiences have shown substantial growth, with a 2.9X increase in new-to-brand ROAS and a 2.3X increase in new-to-brand purchase rate, especially within Amazon Owned and Operated inventory. Our ongoing goal is to enhance efficiency in attracting incremental brand buyers and assess the long-term impact on lifetime value (LTV) through increased new-to-brand buyers over time.
Total purchase rate
New-to-brand ROAS
New-to-brand purchase rate
*Compared to other conversion audiences with a 60-day lookback (excluding purchasers)

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