Auto Dealership Used AMC to Find Best Path to Conversion


This automotive agency specializes in digital marketing solutions, providing a comprehensive range of services to help dealerships and automotive brands enhance their online presence. With expertise in search engine marketing, social media advertising, website development, and data analytics, they enable clients to effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. Positioned as a leader in the industry, this agency is dedicated to helping automotive businesses thrive in the competitive digital market.
Digital Marketing Automotive Agency
Auto Brands & Dealerships
United States
Auto Industry
Digital Marketing Solutions

The Challenge

The auto agency was looking to drive incremental site visit conversions for dealers by running a variety of Amazon products to diversify their creative mix and reach audiences through various media channels.
Most dealerships prioritize display media, assuming video and awareness advertising won't result in site traffic, but this approach can limit scalability and oversaturate smaller market audiences.
The agency lacked visibility into how frequency affects conversions for dealerships across different Amazon products, leaving uncertainty about whether they were under or over exposing the designated market areas (DMAs) to advertising.

The Approach

Streaming TV
Online Video

Optimal Frequency Analysis

Determine optimal frequency for driving lift across your main campaign KPIs.

Campaign Ad Impact

AMC analysis shows the impact of exposing a user to multiple Amazon Ad Products has on performance.

More in Action

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