Target Specific Placements for Sponsored Brand Videos
Arthur Clifford
Account Lead Sponsored Ads
Read time: 3 minutes

Amazon Sponsored Brands video is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers to create engaging videos to showcase their products and attract potential new buyers. However, did you know that Amazon has opened up different placements for video on the search results page?

Across any form of digital advertising, video ads have become an increasingly popular marketing tool. Brands have the ability to showcase the image of the company in addition to the product or service they are selling within 15-30 seconds. We see within our data that Sponsored Brand video ads generate higher click-through and conversion rates than traditional Sponsored Brand display ads. Incorporating high quality video should be a key part of your marketing strategy.

The key to capitalizing on Sponsored Brands video is being able to specifically target and take advantage of multiple placements. As we know, Amazon continuously opens up and tests new advertising placements on a regular basis to drive more advertising revenue. At Revive, we are always looking for new ways to A/B test for our clients to maximize return on their advertising dollar. Sponsored Brand video has become a powerful tool and a cost effective way to give an explanation of the product, demonstrate its use, and highlight its unique features to potential buyers.

Maximizing visibility for new-to-brand customers is another benefit of spreading out the placements of Sponsored Brand videos. Amazon has become the most important new-to-brand growth engine within the eCommerce space. If a company is advertising correctly, a brand will gain more new customers through Amazon than any other marketplace, including their own DTC site, by a significant margin. By partnering with Revive you will unlock all of the tools available to capture and grow within the Amazon platform.

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