
Using Amazon 1st Party Data to Drive Lower Funnel Conversions for Higher Education Company



The Challenge

A Education-focused client was looking to attract a suitable audience inclusive of young adult intenders interested in higher and continuing education. The client was interested in testing a three month flight with the goal of acquiring sign ups and middle and lower funnel conversions from this audience.
Reaching a niche audience
Low sign up conversion rates
Short campaign time frame

The Approach

Amazon was able to utilize their first party data to target young adult intenders via bucketing users into In-Market and Lifestyle Audiences based off of historical Amazon Purchases and search behaviors. The client found their niche audience while also utilizing conversion driving tactics such as display to help drive toward their key performance indicator.

The Results

Based off of client success and Amazon’s ability to drive their desired conversions, this client was pleased with the overall performance and spend.
Marketing landing page visits
Total middle funnel conversions
Total lower funnel conversions
Success pages
Thank you pages

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