
Twitch is where creators make live content, young & engaged viewers tune in, communities form around similar interests, and brands empower broadcasters and reach engaged viewers. Through programmatic access in Amazon’s DSP, brands are able to access Video, Display, and Sponsored Display inventory on Twitch— While also reaching Twitch audiences on and off the platform!
Young adults
71% of these next gen viewers are young adults age 16-34
Average HHI
Young adults
Top Interests:
69% Music
52% Eating Out
61% Television
59% Cooking
68% Gaming
52% Science
62% Food & Drink
Feel represented in the advertising they see
(166 Index)
Tend to buy the brands they see advertised
(142 Index)

Key Features

Use Twitch’s large community of engaged gamers, making it a great way to connect with Millennials + Gen Z in an authentic way.
Twitch’s Audience
  • The median age of Twitch viewers is 29 years old.
  • Average household income of the Twitch audience is $112K.
  • The Twitch audience is 75% male and 25% female.
  • 54% of users would buy a product/service for the community experience.
  • Video ads viewed 8x longer than Facebook & 2x longer than YouTube.
  • The audience demographic is young, with 50% aged 18-34 and 21% aged 13-17.
Massive Reach & Engagement
Daily Average Visitors
Average Viewers At Any Given Time
Monthly Unique Visitors in the U.S.
Daily Average Visitors in the U.S.
Reach Users Both On & Off Twitch
Twitch Game Viewers
Top Game Viewers
Twitch Sport Viewer
Console Viewers
Mobile Game Viewers
PC Game Viewers
New Game Viewers
Esports Viewers

How It Works

Whether it’s running from zombies, playing in esports tournaments, taking lessons from a chess Grandmaster, watching a drag performance, or enjoying a concert—7 million unique streamers go live on Twitch every month to share these experiences with their audiences. Partner with Revive to unlock the full potential of this engaged, extensive audience.
Screenshots of Twitch Video Placement:
Screenshot example of Twitch Display Placements:

Terms & Conditions

Twitch does not allow the use of any unapproved 3rd party ad technologies. Twitch requires all ads and 3rd party vendors to be SSL-compliant. All components of video and display ads including creative and tracking must be provided as and able to serve via SSL (HTTPS).
Supported 3rs Party Vendors
  • DCM
  • Amazon Ad Server
  • Flashtalking
3rd Party Tracking
  • Third Party HTML: Standard Javascript tag
  • HTML5 Initial Load: 100KB

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