Fire Tablet

Designed for brand storytelling and deeper consideration, Fire Tablet ads are interactive and actionable, making it easier for shoppers to learn more, watch, or shop with a single click.
In US Tablet Sales
Higher lift in brand awareness
CTR Benchmark
Represents the overlap between Fire Tablet and Fire TV users
Fire Tablet Wake Screen offers 100% SOV of the home screen

Key Features

Customers Love Fire Tablet
There are tens of millions of monthly active users worldwide. The Fire HD 8 Tablet has received over 100,000 customer reviews with an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. Additionally, 90% of owners report overall satisfaction with the device.
Engaged Audiences
Tablet users are typically young to middle-aged and married, with 55% having a high household income of $45k or more.
Unique Storytelling Experience
By utilizing the diverse variety of storytelling formats available on Fire Tablet, you can achieve a 10x higher click-through rate (CTR) compared to internal benchmarks.
Drive Awareness on Uncluttered Device
Fire Tablet offers full-screen, native, and high-definition ads with unduplicated reach across Fire devices. These devices have access to exclusive Amazon first-party insights and give you the option to link to your Amazon storefront or link out to your website for additional information.

Creative Executions

Static & Animated Wake Screen
When customers turn on their Fire device, they are presented with a full-screen, high-quality image and a call-to-action button through both static and animated wake screen ads. Animated wake screen ads offer a subtle animation that begins as soon as the device turns on, promoting more engagement. The call-to-action buttons for each ad can link to an Amazon shopping page for products, movies, apps, etc., or a full-screen interactive experience such as a custom landing page, click-to-full-screen video, or tablet-optimized external URL.
Amazon Video Ads
When a customer turns on their Fire device, an inline video begins playing automatically with no sound. Tapping on the video unmutes it. Like static and animated wake screen ads, tapping on the call-to-action button unlocks their device and opens an Amazon shopping page or a full-screen interactive experience.
Templated Amazon Video Ads
Templated Amazon Video Ads enable advertisers to showcase a 15-second video (or less) on Fire tablet wake screens with simpler assets than those required for a standard Amazon video ad. This ad format provides a pre-made template that automatically generates creatives using a logo image, video, headline, call-to-action, and content rating (only necessary for content rated for 12/13 years or older). When the video completes, the customer may tap on the video to watch it again. The CTA button may link to an Amazon shopping page or a full-screen interactive experience.
Interactive Wake Screens
Interactive Wake screen ads on Fire tablet allow shoppers to interact with an ad to explore unique features, benefits, or experiences tied to the product being advertised. By providing a hands-on experience, advertisers can reveal unique product through various interactive components such as changing color/message, product demos, etc. This includes an animated background (10 seconds maximum) that tells a sequential story, a point in the ad experience where the background video pauses and waits for user interaction (up to 3 per), and a transparent area on the wake screen where the user can tap to continue the experience.
A wake screen with panels allows customers to flip through up to three "panels" of content in one creative. Tapping on each thumbnail opens a different ad experience, each with its own background and call-to-action button. Panels is compatible and can be combined with several other creative executions available on Fire tablet. The first panel can be either static or animated, and may include autoplay video or click-to-full-screen video. The second and third panels can be either a static wake screen or click-to-full-screen video.

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